Elm Creek Community Church – Osseo Area Maple Grove Church

A Church Striving to Make Jesus Christ Central

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ElmCreek Community Church

Join us for our Worshp Service
Sunday Mornings at 10:30 am

ElmCreek Community Church building

About ElmCreek

We desire to reach our community, family, and friends with the hope of Jesus Christ. Though we are all broken, sinful, and a work in progress, through the power of God we are daily being changed to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. Not for our own glory and fame, but for the glory and fame of God. Our hope is that God uses ElmCreek Community Church to further the gospel message of salvation through Christ alone.

9:30-10:00 - Adult Sunday school
9:30-10:00 - Elementary & Youth Sunday during school year

10:30-11:45am - Sunday Morning Worship Service

9717 Revere Ln. N, Maple Grove, MN

What To Expect


You'll be greeted when you arrive by our friendly volunteers. You can stop and learn more about Elm Creek Community Church at the Welcome Table or go directly to our worship service. Our volunteers will help guide you to our children's classes and worship center, taking the pressure off finding your way on your own. 


Sunday school for grades 1-12 takes place from 9:30-10:00 during the school year.

Nursery (birth to 2) and Wonderland (ages 3-5) is available during the 10:30 service. Our volunteer teachers are trained and background checked for peace of mind while you worship. 


Once in the worship service, make yourself at home. You can expect a 75 minute service with Christ glorifying music and a message from the Bible. You can listen to our Spotify playlist to get familiar with many of the songs we sing on Sunday mornings.


Once the service is over, we invite you to stick around. We'd love to get to know you and answer any questions. 


Our Vision

We are a church striving to live out the commands of Christ according to His Word given to us in the Bible. We are centered around the gospel - that Jesus came to die for our sins and He is our only hope in this life and the next. We desire to point one another and those around us to Christ for his glory and our good.


Our Faith

We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - one God, three persons. We believe in the inerrant Word of God which is sufficient for faith and life. We believe that salvation is found only through faith in Christ, who died for the sins of His people. We believe that the church is made of God’s people who are called to be a light in this sinful world. To read our full statement of faith, click on the “Learn More” link below.


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